Rhapsody Online Prayer Conference 2021

10 Tips to Help You Choose To Be Happy

10 Tips to Help You Choose to Be Happy

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."

On a beautiful sunny morning, while walking to work, you meet someone, who asked you for a small loan, months ago, but haven't paid back yet. He smiles at you, says a nice "good morning", and keeps walking.

10 Tips to Help You Choose to Be Happy

1. Find the good and positive in every situation.

This is not difficult. In every situation there must be something good, happy or amusing. Why not focus on it?

Your mind might drag you down, to think about negativity and difficulties, because that's how it is accustomed to think. Don't let it.

Endeavor to change the way you look at things, focusing more on the bright side of life.

2. Focus on solutions.

It is very easy to find problems and difficulties everywhere, because it requires nothing, but a negative attitude. Instead of focusing on the problems, focus on solutions.

3. Watch your thoughts.

Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, change them to pleasant thoughts. Do this time and again.

4. Watch funny movies.

Prefer to watch funny comedies that make you laugh, rather than thrillers and violent movies, especially before bed time.

5. Reading

Each day, find the time to read a few pages from an inspiring book or article.

6. Look at what you have already accomplished and focus on it.

Often, we start the day with the intention of completing several goals or tasks, but we are unable to complete them.

At the end of the day you might feel frustrated and unhappy, because you haven't been able to do all of those things.

It would be wise to be more reasonable and use common sense, instead of deciding without thinking. When you set more reasonable goals and tasks, you have less chance of being disappointed and unhappy.

7. Each day do something good for yourself.

It can be something small, such buying a book, baking a cake, going to the theater, visiting friends, or inviting friends to your house.

8. Seek the company of happy people.

Happiness is contagious. If you are in the company of happy people, there is a great chance that you will be infected by their happiness, provided you don't focus on unhappiness while in their company.

9. Don't take anything too personally.

Do your best to stay a little detached when things do not progress as want them to progress.

10. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.

It is said that music is the language of the soul. Listen often, to relaxing music, or any kind of music that uplifts your spirit.
